My Random Thoughts

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Maybe You Are Right....

Maybe, you are right
And I have the strength
To face all my fears.
Alone in the fight
And unfaultering
Not shedding a tear.

Perhaps I hold the key
To some hidden courage
Locked deep within my heart.
A soldier there may be,
Just waiting to be free
And tear my fears apart.

Maybe you are right
And I dont need you.
But...maybe I do.
And you ARE my knight!

Together hand in hand
We create a soldier
Strong in faith and courage.
Only then can we stand
Against the weight of fear.
Only then we flourish.

~Shannon Hawley~

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Me and My Thoughts for Women

I dont know how many people this thought goes for but here it is. I was scrolling through a girl friend's instagram, catching up on what's been going on her life as of late. I dont get on social media a ton so, when I do get on I'm usually behind. Anyway,  I've known this person 14 years awhile. We've been through a lot together. We both are the same age and are both in a new but similar chapter in life right now...marriage. We both have been married a year or two. It's been interesting to say the least, definitely quite the ride. We've grown closer actually, due to understanding the struggles and enjoyments that marriage brings that singles won't understand until they're not single. I dont mean that in an antagonistic way, it's just the way life seems to work. Scrolling through both mine and my friend's old pictures brought up a lot of memories, good and bad, but I started to notice something interesting. Something about our eyes...our face. Pictures I knew were during tough times or dark moments were in fact dark. But when we were simply enjoying the pleasures of life, you could see it in our face. The pictures changed often, flipping back and forth between good and bad moments, like night and day. Then I looked at our pictures of today. It's only been 1-2 years of marriage and already I noticed a change in both our faces. You see, before, our eyes portrayed one extreme to another. Marriage seems to have a look that deserves its own chapter altogether. In a single look you can look into that person's eyes and see joy and sorrow, pain and ecstacy, turmoil and peace. I wonder if that's why some people think they'd be happy not married. Because life is simpler single. It's just you. Are you happy today, sad, frustrated? Marriage... it's suddenly not just about you. You juggle to maintain your emotions but also your spouse's. My mom asked me one day how I was feeling. Before I was married I was proud of the fact that I could but a word to what I was feeling almost everytime. I've found it quite a bit more complicated now. Someone asks me that and I wonder, where do I begin? "Such and such was amazing and just made me feel great but my husband has had a rough day so I'm trying to encourage him..." It's like that movie Inside Out. Before life is simple and suddenly your emotions become more complex and it is portrayed outwardly. Women with a husband and kids, you see it even more so. Stress, love, exhaustion, all at the same time play out a story onto the face of that person. It's sad that so often we focus on what one person has that you dont have or that their life seems more pleasing because that doesn't matter when the turmoil inside is the same. Why cant we look around and try and read the other person's story written across their face before passing judgement or wishing we were them or whatever it is! I feel like maybe we dont take the time to NOTICE these small things. It takes work, time, an actual effort to look into another's eyes and say "Hey, hang in there." Life is tough as it is without all of us at each others throats. I feel the need to definitely work on this. Work on reaching out to encourage and not tear down. To be a listener who's focus is simply to lighten the load off someones shoulders and in return encourage them to let God do the same. We women need to stop comparing and criticizing ourselves and realize we cant do it all on our own like the world promotes. Not only is God standing next to us waiting to take the jumbled up pile of mixed emotions we have but we, as sisters of Christ are also supposed to be next to each other to reminding us of this and being uplifting.

Shannon Grace

Monday, December 10, 2018

Words Beyond...

Words beyond meaning
Feelings beyond words
A heart now bleeding
From doubt tainted swords.

Satan never quits
His barrage of lies.
The thoughts he twists, it's
A game I despise.

Can love be alone
At least for a day?
Be nurtured and grown
To stand in the fray?

I pray my dear Lord,
Protect all from thoughts
I've spoken; untoward
Feelings that tie knots.

~Shannon G. Hawley~


Waves of emotion
Seeds of despair
Threaten devotion
And our faith impair

But joined together hand in hand
Unified in the truth we stand
With eyes fixed on the promised land

The ring in my ears
And roar of voices
Clouds all but my fears
And desperate choices

But joined together hand in hand
Unified in the truth we stand
With eyes fixed on the promised land

Together we fight
Our struggles and fears
Together our light
Shines brighter and clear

And joined together hand in hand
Unified in the truth we stand
With eyes fixed on the promised land

~Shannon G. Hawley~

Friday, September 21, 2018

The Inner Child

Sailing amidst glassy sea
Beneath the bonnie blue sky
Awaits small child carefree
Full dreams heart set to apply

In every person, you see,
This trusting child does lie
Hidden from reality
To smother frail outcry

It seems some unknown decree
Has gone throughout to live by
To never let oneself free
The inner child deny

So shall I answer the plea
Of my playful firefly
To protect childlike glee
And the worldly path defy

                   ~Shannon G. Hawley~

Monday, July 23, 2018

Battle of Fear & Doubt

My heart was greatly awed
By time with God.
It strengthened and calmed me.
Time I lessened,
Now cause of armor weak
And wounds so deep.
Smothering newfound joy,
Doubts do deploy,
Path of decay and blight.
I pray and fight
Against worms of fear twined
That burn my mind

Love was my center light.
My heart took flight,
First for my Good Shepherd,
Ever treasured,
Second for love's chosen,
Pure and golden.
Seeds of doubt have appeared.
Light disappeared.
This evil thing so slick,
With branches thick,
Distorteth my deep thoughts
Toward fear and loss

When I look long and hard,
Beyond what's marred,
Beyond the fear and doubt,
Loves found devout.
When I hold his hand tight,
The light shines bright.
The doubt begins to fade
No more afraid
Though the times I let go
Then fear does grow
With darker intention
And destruction.
             ~Shannon G. Hawley~

Monday, July 2, 2018

How Does One Fight Fear


How does one fight fear
When fear is so strong?
Is it with a sneer?
Or perhaps a song.
Does it take a year
Or is it lifelong

Can love overcome
When buried so deep
Where has this come from
To cause me to weep
My body feels numb
No joy can I keep

You fight fear with love
And the Sword of Truth
With prayer sent above
Your heart it will soothe
Spirit like a dove
No room for untruth

         ~Shannon G. Hawley~